I worked all week to make it to the weekend only to suffer a case of separation anxiety. Normally this is reserved for toddlers who love their parents so much they just can't let go of their necks. *insert snicker here* Although this weekend it hit Lady S's father and me. This is the first weekend in her 2 years of life that she has spent more than a few hours away from us. And quite frankly I have no idea what to do with myself. I have not broken out into tears, screaming fits, or full on temper tantrums but as I type this I am close!
Since Lady S was born I struggled with allowing her to stay with someone other than us. As a matter of fact, when we found out she had a peanut allergy, we were put on high alert. But this translates into control. Control over Lady S and fear quite frankly. It is quite impossible for us to turn off parent brain. For the last 2 years our lives have been all about Lady S so the prospect of her not being here baffles me. I should preface by saying that Lady S is with my mother, her Gigi as she calls her. And believe me she is in good hands. After all Gigi raised me to perfection. *insert snort here*
So I packed her suitcase with all the necessary components, briefed Gigi on what to look for in case of an allergic reaction, and proceeded to drop her off. I waited around for 3 hours before finally leaving. It felt good to roll the windows down and blast the music in the car. Things I did before I became a mom. To sleep in without worrying about if Lady S has met the maximum absorbency of those Huggies nighttime diapers. To be able to kiss my husband without a toddler in between us. But it has also been weird. I did not have to make sippy cups of milk or juice or bring baggies of Goldfish or Pirate's Booty. We were able to enjoy brunch without having to escort a crying, flailing toddler out because her attention span had maxed out.
This small glimpse of the life we had pre-kid has been nice. But the only cure for separation anxiety is to be reunited with the person you miss.
One thing for sure is that when I see Lady S's face tomorrow I'll be grateful for my small slice of life sans the kiddo. But more importantly I'll be happy to see her face again!
Until next time,
Mom to Lady S