Greetings! Well....we made it to six weeks and why oh why do I feel like I have been pregnant for at least 6 months already! Up to this point, everything has been great other than the nausea and fatigue. Let me just say that any woman who has been pregnant knows exactly what I am talking about. I entitiled this post as such because my stomach has been on a rollercoaster the last few days. At times I can't even stand to smell food...other times I can't seem to get enough of food. For dinner this evening, it was a Strawberry Frosted PopTart eaten only so that I can have my prenatal vitamin. *sigh* It is absolutely love that is making me sacrafice a huge plate of fried seafood deliciousness from Steve's Restaurant.
Now to the sleep....I am an avid sleeper....I mean I average between 8-10 hours a night...this is a must or else I am shitty for the rest of the day! So pregnancy has done two things to my sleep pattern. (1) some nights I sleep like a newborn baby (2) other nights I toss and turn all night from nausea and then fall asleep at random times during the day. Its insane! I have never been so fatigued in all my life. The couch has become my best friend. Literally.
And well the nausea aka morning sickness...well...its the same...its comes and goes. Its guaranteed when it comes back that it will hit with a venegance! I posted the pic above of Preggie Pop Drops and Suckers that supposedly hep with the morning sickness. For me...they just taste good...especially the sour ones. Since you have to suck on them because they are had candy, they keep you from really having a chance to think about getting sick. Up until this point, I've just dealt with the nausea and not the vomiting that so many women deal with. I hope I get spared from that.
Some of the things I have found that help are:
- Never let your tummy get empty. Always have something to eat handy. For me, nothing looks good...no food...I crave certain things but the slightest smell can turn me off. Saltines are the worse but they do help.
- Always have water and/or ginger ale handy. Most ginger ale in the store is nothing by sugar water. Try your local natural foods store to find real ginger ale. It seems to work best when cold and flat.
- Seabands - These are accupuncture bands worn on the wrists that apply pressure. They are not going to be a cure all but they help to keep the nausea at bay during the night.
- Vitamin B6 and Unisom Regimine - This is a new one that I didn't believe until I tried it myself. Most women take between 30-75 mg of B6 a day and 1/2 of a Unisom at night to help with sleep. For some women it works like a charm. I have been taking 50 mg of B6 in the morning with breakfast and 25 mg in the late afternoon. So far it has been working. Just a few waves of nausea but nothing that last all day like it did before.
- Avoid the foods and smells that make you sick. Of course easier said than done when pregnant.
So as of today I am entering my 7th week with the little Junebug measuring at 6 weeks. I am not really sure how that works but that's what the due date calculator says. I have my first prenatal visit on Monday so I am super excited for that and will update with what we find out!
Until Then!
Junebug's Mama To Be