Such a hilarious picture of the spermie! Much cuter than the actual thing that is for sure. As of today I am on CD13 and ovulation is coming up! All of the signs of fertility are present. Today was the 5th day testing with an OPK and I recieved my first positive. Remember this means that my LH surge has been detected. Because I have been charting for awhile, I am pretty sure ovulation will occur either tomorrow or the next day.
One of the major issues that couples TTC face, is the lack of cervical fluid. The best way to descirbe this is what most women see as discharge. In a woman who is not on hormonal birth control, she will notice this fluid changes throughout the month. Most women only generate a limited supply of cervical fluid and need additional lubrication to make the TTC experience better. While there are many lubes out there to help out the process, many of them kill sperm within 30 minutes of contact and create a barrier to their traveling to the promised land. If the spermies do not have a conducive environment to survive then they can not reach the egg. No sperm meeting the egg means no chance for conception.
Of course there is a sperm friendly lube out on the market that so many women swear by. Hubby and I have used it for all of our cycles trying. While so many women love it....I have to be honest in my judgement of it....we don't like it. There I said it. But at this point, whatever gets the ball rolling we are up to trying it. The lube is called PreSeed...not to be confused with PreConcieve Plus which is another sperm friendly lubricant. To date PreConcieve Plus has been pulled from the market due to lawsuit against PreSeed. You can find all of the information regarding PreSeed at http://www.preseed.com/.

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