I started using the Answer OPK's on CD9. The insert inside the package usually tells a woman when to start using OPK's based on their cycle length. You do not want to use them too early in your cycle and you do not want to use them too late as you might miss your LH surge. It is recommended that you do not use your first morning urine (FMU) but rather optimal testing time between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. Try not to urinate for four hours before testing so that your urine is concentrated. Urinate in a clean up, dip, and lay on the counter and wait.
So below you can see what mine look like starting on CD9. You can see the progression of the second line from CD9 to CD14, with a positive OPK on CD14. I stopped testing after receiving my positive. Some women continue to test with OPK's even after they get their surge. I prefer not to. It can sort of confuse you and make you obsess over things that you really shouldn't.

Side ways view~~~You can see on the last one (to the left) CD14, the result and control line are the same which indicates a surge.

Pixxie Numero Dos...
If you need a closer look at the progression of OPK's check out http://www.peeonastick.com/.
Symptoms Update~~~ For all of you who want to compare the symptoms....
I am currently 3 DPO and I feel ok for the most part. Dealing with some sore nips and gas...cute huh? And actually rather crampy. Other than those things...I feel great.....
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