Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's been two weeks since my last update so it was time for an update.  We attended our first baby class which was both enlightening and entertaining.  Alot of the information that was given we already knew....some was just plain hilarious.  All of the men in the room looked liked they would have much rather have been somewhere else!  Go figure!  The only thing that perked the men up was the nurse said SEX.  However that was shortlived when she said that sex is usually not on the priority list of a pregnant woman!  It was terrible because all I could think about the entire class was food....I was so hungry!   The tour of the hospital I had to go alone since the hubby had to work.  It really put it all into perspective..... I toured the labor/delivery room, post partum room and the nursery.  Which might I had there were two absolutely adorable babies in there that had just popped out of their respective ovens.  THAT reall hit home.  In a few short weeks we'll have our little on at home.  Which I think we are ready....materialistically speaking.  We finally put the crib together with her bedding and painted her name on the wall which will not be disclosed until she's born.  Sorry all!  I posted the bedding in the last post but I don't think I have posted the baby seat. 
We opted for this travel system which I really love.  And I have to give the credit to her daddy for picking this out.  It was all his idea and I love it!

So to date all the big stuff has been purchased.  I am looking forward to the baby showers next month and in May.  So I will be updating between now and then!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Excuse me but are my hips still in my body???

Hello Hello! 

We made it people!  We made it!  Ok....we aren't at the end but hell we made it to 24 weeks/6 months pregnant!  Where in God's green earth did the time go?  Didn't I just pee on a stick and get two pink lines!  But here we are and we are so blessed.  Our little one, who is now over a pound in weight, is busy as a bee!  This child kicks and kicks and flips and punches the living daylights out of my insides.  The OB nurse said "Oh she should be still during the day! Walking is like swaying the baby to sleep!"  She obviously doesn't know me very well.  I have a sneaky suspicion this little girl is going to be just like me! Which means that not only will she be busy but stubborn as well which she proves anytime they try to find her heartbeat...she does this jucking and jiving move to get away from the wand.  Go figure!  At least she's healthy and apparently happy as hell in there.  I feel like she sits right underneath my rib cage and have been feeling some shortness of breath because of it.  The OB says it's normal....I say it's scary as hell.  I guess as she gets bigger, I'll slow down some.  Although that's easier said than done. 

We haven't been buying anything new although the crib is going up this month and we need to get the mattress for it.  I am ready to be done with the baby's nursery and I haven't even started it.  Laziness I guess...or maybe it's because my pelvis is falling out.  Just to let you women know who haven't been pregnant before....there is this lovely hormone that causes your ligaments to loosen...ALL of imagine that, coupled with the pressure of your little one obliterating your insides and you have pregnancy.  I can only imagine what this is going to feel like 4...8...12 weeks from now....(insert fainting smiley here)

On a lighter note, we have baby class this week.  The hubby and I are going to see what we can learn new about newborns.  I still need to sign him up for New Daddy Bootcamp even though he swears he knows all there is to know about newborns.  To that I simply say this...

After that we have the hospital tour which I am especially looking forward to.  So I'll keep everyone posted! 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Anti-Pink Mama!!!

Well now that we are on the homestretch of this lima bean to baby process, it's definitely time we get started on outfitting the baby's room.  I should preface by saying that we are having a girl and I am VEHEMENTLY against pink.  Now before I get bashed let me just say that I am not against pink...I just don't care for it at all.  When I see all pink nurseries I think that someone surely ingested way too much PeptoBismol and threw it up everywhere in a fit of morning sickness.  We had pretty much decided that no matter the sex of the baby we would not go all pink or all blue.  So we settled on a neutral palate of brown, green, and ivory.  I just couldn't stomach yellow.   And since the entire world is on an organic movement we jumped on the bandwagon as well.  We opted for an organic bedding set.

We haven't decided on the mattress yet but am aiming to go organic there as well.  Call it the stupidity of first time parents, but we want what has the best reviews, looks good, and doesn't introduce too many unnecessary chemicals to our little girl.   With that said...the crib isn't organic.  LOL  Its from Target and its cute.  It's the Graco Lauren Crib in Espresso.  NOTE that is not our's way too pink
And lastly but not leastly we are deciding to cloth diaper.  *GASP*  Most people that think cloth diapers think the old school cloth folded and pinned with those gigantic safety pins.  Not so much the same thing anymore.  There are so many options one might get overwhelmed.  So we started our cloth diaper adventure this week and brough 4 to try out when the baby is born.  We hope to start the cloth diapers when the umbilical cord falls off and she gains some weight.  You can cloth diaper a newborn but I hear they have poop like tar when they are born and I am NOT cleaning that mess off cotton.  No way no how!  So just a peek into what we have gotten ourselves in to, the cloth diapers look like this give or take a few features depending on what you buy...

These are AIO's or All In One's meaning you wash the entire thing.  There are pocket diapers, prefolds, entire lot of diapers!! 
For now I'll spare you any more details on those.

As for the mama and daddy to be....well we are in shock and excited and worried and in love and overjoyed!  She kicks all the time now!  Mostly in the morning and at night when I am most relaxed.  Its amazing how strong her kicks are getting now that we are in the 22nd week.  I can't wait for Randy to be able to feel them on from the outside.  I am feeling ok but definitely can tell that she is getting bigger as I feel like I am losing space in my body.  If you are pregnant then you know what I mean.  We picked out a name but we aren't sharing it.  So Sorry!!!!! 

So I will be back soon to update after our appointment on Monday for updates! 

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Greetings! Hola! Como esta! It's been awhile since I last updated and again I promise to try and do better!
We are currently 20 weeks and 4 days pregnant! I suppose you could say we are on the down side of the hill. We climbed the first 20 weeks and I feel like they have flown completly by! It was just like yesterday I found out I was pregnant and here we are with 19 weeks left.
At around 15/16 weeks I was sitting on the couch and thought I felt something move. Well initially I figured it was gas since as anyone who has been pregnant knows gas and pregnancy go hand in hand. Well then it happened continuously for about an hour and I knew it wasn't gas at was our Little Monkey in there having a party! Feeling the baby move is something I had been waiting on the entire pregnancy. It seems to make it all so real! Initially it feels like flutters and then rolls and then one day it will be solid kick to the bladder. And then 5 minutes later time to go pee....again..... As the baby grows so do the trips to the restroom!
We found out at our anatomy scan that we are having a little girl! A precious, curly headed, doe-eyed baby girl! I am so excited and overjoyed! Randy is over the moon about our new little girl and picked out some darling outfits from Target for our little one. It's going to be such an amazing thing to watch an incredible husband be an outstanding father to his daughter. We have a name picked out but aren't going to share it simply because while respect everyone's opinons they can keep them to themselves. :)
So as it stands all is going well with the pregnancy. Baby is growing ahead of schedule and doing wonderful!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Making Elastic Your Best Friend

I am going to preface this entry by saying that I am in means downing the maternity wear industry but I must must must let any woman who is pregnant or thinking about it, know what the clothing options are out there.

When I found out I was pregnant I made two promises to myself. 1) I refused to wear moo-moo outfits and 2) I was going to be the fliest pregnant chick on the block. Well I have managed to adhere to both but it's been a long hard battle. Most maternity clothes for plus-size women look like crap. Tent like contraptions with huge floral or plaid prints that are just wrong...even on skinny women its just wrong. Maternity clothes, no matter your size are expensive for no other reason than manufacturers know you need the clothes so they charge an asinine amount of money for them. I have been lucky in that I scour clearance racks of both maternity and non maternity styles so I have found some things that work no matter what. Lots of empire waists outfits and cute shirts. As far as pants go...well there is no skipping on that. So I'll brief and rate a few places I have tried out.

  • Old Navy - Old Navy carries their maternity line in a FEW stores which means good luck with trying to find it. If you get lucky you can try on a few things. Their clothes are cute and well priced. The pants go up to size 20 and the shirts go up to XXL. BUT their shirts run huge. Meaning you may not need the size you think you need. And some of their stuff tends to be very sheer which in the winter is not so great. I can't speak for their jeans since I don't like them but you can check out for their collection and size chart.

  • Motherhood Maternity - They specialize in pregnancy wear and go from size small to 3XL I believe. Their clothes are cute but pretty generic. Lots of basic colors and generic prints. Their claim to fame is probably their Secret Panel Jeans. Its basically a full, seamless panel that is on their jeans/pants. It's nice, It's comfortable...if you like full panel pants. They tend to run between 30 and 40 dollars a piece. A steep price but they are comfortable. You can also check out their website for more info. BUT a word of the wise...their return policy sucks and they have a habit of signing you up for magazine subscriptions you didn't authorize or need so keep and eye on that kind of stuff.

  • JCPenney - They have a nice collection of maternity wear in store and online that is both stylish for work and for social/casual settings. Their maternity jeans/pants/bottoms go up to size 3XL and are generously sized and well priced. To date this has been the most impressive maternity wear I have brought. They are well priced and if shopping online you can find alot of discount codes.

  • Target - Oh Tar'Geit!!!! They carry the Liz Lange Line of clothing which is chick, cute, and stylish. Their bottoms go from size 0 to 20 and tops run to XXL. Convienently priced and is easy to just run in and get what you need.

  • Consignment - DO NOT count these shops out! They are a plethora of items for both mom and baby to come! And they are cheap. Just buy what you need and wash when you get home. That simple.

  • Online Auctions - Also do not count out Craigslist, Ebay, or Amazon for you maternity wear needs. You can find lots of things gently used or brand new at a fraction of the costs.

The last bit of advice is on panels. You will be faced with full, mid, no, and low panel pregnancy jeans/pants/skirts. It all really depends on how you want them to sit. I have low panel jeans at this point in pregnancy and are pleased with them. They stay where they need to for now but I highly doubt they will work when I get further along. I also have full panel pants for work and they are just as awesome. A little more comfortable than the low panel pants and they require less work. So you really need to try on all kinds to see what you like!

Little Monkey's a Swinging Around!!!!!!


Well Hello Hello! Its a new year and a new trimester! Yea!!! We made it to the second trimester and I have finally been able to relax a little bit. The first trimester was filled with lots of sleep, sickness, and worry! But since hearing our little one's heartbeat at 12 weeks we have felt much better and it has become SO very real. So let me update.

We went to the OB's office in December and left the appointment so disappointed. I refuse to put the OB office on blast but in short lets just say they sucked. The doctor offered us no information that we couldn't have looked up online ourselves. After looking for Little Monkey's heartbeat for 30 seconds, the doc gave us a disgruntled look and said oh well! Needless to say we switched offices. We are currently being services by Eastover OB/GYN @ the Arboretum and they are freaking awesome. Very attentive and very helpful! After switching OB offices, our new office found the heartbeat in about 30 seconds. So there is a baby in there! Not just some parasite sucking the life out of me! SWEET!!!!

We had our 16 week checkup today and all was well! The little one had a heartbeat in the high 150's. My goodness is he/she running around in there? The baby wouldn't be still for the nurse. That's my kid...always keeping the adults in charge on their toes! I am pleased to announce that I lost 15 lbs in the first trimester(due to morning sickness) and have only gained back 1 lb to date! Yippee!!! Being a thick lady I don't need to gain too much weight although my OB hasn't mentioned it at all. Our next appt is on January 26th where we will have our anatomy scan and finally find out what the sex of the baby is! I am praying for healthy and happy but secretly wanting a little boy. I am not so sure why but I have always imagined myself with a son. But we shall see. For all I know its a curly headed bouncy little girl!

So to date that is where we stand. In the next post I will discuss elastic, shoes, and myths...