It's been two weeks since my last update so it was time for an update. We attended our first baby class which was both enlightening and entertaining. Alot of the information that was given we already knew....some was just plain hilarious. All of the men in the room looked liked they would have much rather have been somewhere else! Go figure! The only thing that perked the men up was the nurse said SEX. However that was shortlived when she said that sex is usually not on the priority list of a pregnant woman! It was terrible because all I could think about the entire class was food....I was so hungry! The tour of the hospital I had to go alone since the hubby had to work. It really put it all into perspective..... I toured the labor/delivery room, post partum room and the nursery. Which might I had there were two absolutely adorable babies in there that had just popped out of their respective ovens. THAT reall hit home. In a few short weeks we'll have our little on at home. Which I think we are ready....materialistically speaking. We finally put the crib together with her bedding and painted her name on the wall which will not be disclosed until she's born. Sorry all! I posted the bedding in the last post but I don't think I have posted the baby seat.
We opted for this travel system which I really love. And I have to give the credit to her daddy for picking this out. It was all his idea and I love it!
So to date all the big stuff has been purchased. I am looking forward to the baby showers next month and in May. So I will be updating between now and then!