Well now that we are on the homestretch of this lima bean to baby process, it's definitely time we get started on outfitting the baby's room. I should preface by saying that we are having a girl and I am VEHEMENTLY against pink. Now before I get bashed let me just say that I am not against pink...I just don't care for it at all. When I see all pink nurseries I think that someone surely ingested way too much PeptoBismol and threw it up everywhere in a fit of morning sickness. We had pretty much decided that no matter the sex of the baby we would not go all pink or all blue. So we settled on a neutral palate of brown, green, and ivory. I just couldn't stomach yellow. And since the entire world is on an organic movement we jumped on the bandwagon as well. We opted for an organic bedding set.
We haven't decided on the mattress yet but am aiming to go organic there as well. Call it the stupidity of first time parents, but we want what has the best reviews, looks good, and doesn't introduce too many unnecessary chemicals to our little girl. With that said...the crib isn't organic. LOL Its from Target and its cute. It's the Graco Lauren Crib in Espresso. NOTE that is not our nursery...it's way too pink
And lastly but not leastly we are deciding to cloth diaper. *GASP* Most people that think cloth diapers think the old school cloth folded and pinned with those gigantic safety pins. Not so much the same thing anymore. There are so many options one might get overwhelmed. So we started our cloth diaper adventure this week and brough 4 to try out when the baby is born. We hope to start the cloth diapers when the umbilical cord falls off and she gains some weight. You can cloth diaper a newborn but I hear they have poop like tar when they are born and I am NOT cleaning that mess off cotton. No way no how! So just a peek into what we have gotten ourselves in to, the cloth diapers look like this give or take a few features depending on what you buy...
For now I'll spare you any more details on those.
As for the mama and daddy to be....well we are in shock and excited and worried and in love and overjoyed! She kicks all the time now! Mostly in the morning and at night when I am most relaxed. Its amazing how strong her kicks are getting now that we are in the 22nd week. I can't wait for Randy to be able to feel them on from the outside. I am feeling ok but definitely can tell that she is getting bigger as I feel like I am losing space in my body. If you are pregnant then you know what I mean. We picked out a name but we aren't sharing it. So Sorry!!!!!
So I will be back soon to update after our appointment on Monday for updates!
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