Hello Hello!
We made it people! We made it! Ok....we aren't at the end but hell we made it to 24 weeks/6 months pregnant! Where in God's green earth did the time go? Didn't I just pee on a stick and get two pink lines! But here we are and we are so blessed. Our little one, who is now over a pound in weight, is busy as a bee! This child kicks and kicks and flips and punches the living daylights out of my insides. The OB nurse said "Oh she should be still during the day! Walking is like swaying the baby to sleep!" She obviously doesn't know me very well. I have a sneaky suspicion this little girl is going to be just like me! Which means that not only will she be busy but stubborn as well which she proves anytime they try to find her heartbeat...she does this jucking and jiving move to get away from the wand. Go figure! At least she's healthy and apparently happy as hell in there. I feel like she sits right underneath my rib cage and have been feeling some shortness of breath because of it. The OB says it's normal....I say it's scary as hell. I guess as she gets bigger, I'll slow down some. Although that's easier said than done.
We haven't been buying anything new although the crib is going up this month and we need to get the mattress for it. I am ready to be done with the baby's nursery and I haven't even started it. Laziness I guess...or maybe it's because my pelvis is falling out. Just to let you women know who haven't been pregnant before....there is this lovely hormone that causes your ligaments to loosen...ALL of them...so imagine that, coupled with the pressure of your little one obliterating your insides and you have pregnancy. I can only imagine what this is going to feel like 4...8...12 weeks from now....(insert fainting smiley here)
On a lighter note, we have baby class this week. The hubby and I are going to see what we can learn new about newborns. I still need to sign him up for New Daddy Bootcamp even though he swears he knows all there is to know about newborns. To that I simply say this...
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