Greetings! Hola! Como esta! It's been awhile since I last updated and again I promise to try and do better!
We are currently 20 weeks and 4 days pregnant! I suppose you could say we are on the down side of the hill. We climbed the first 20 weeks and I feel like they have flown completly by! It was just like yesterday I found out I was pregnant and here we are with 19 weeks left.
At around 15/16 weeks I was sitting on the couch and thought I felt something move. Well initially I figured it was gas since as anyone who has been pregnant knows gas and pregnancy go hand in hand. Well then it happened continuously for about an hour and I knew it wasn't gas at all....it was our Little Monkey in there having a party! Feeling the baby move is something I had been waiting on the entire pregnancy. It seems to make it all so real! Initially it feels like flutters and then rolls and then one day it will be solid kick to the bladder. And then 5 minutes later time to go pee....again..... As the baby grows so do the trips to the restroom!
We found out at our anatomy scan that we are having a little girl! A precious, curly headed, doe-eyed baby girl! I am so excited and overjoyed! Randy is over the moon about our new little girl and picked out some darling outfits from Target for our little one. It's going to be such an amazing thing to watch an incredible husband be an outstanding father to his daughter. We have a name picked out but aren't going to share it simply because while respect everyone's opinons they can keep them to themselves. :)
So as it stands all is going well with the pregnancy. Baby is growing ahead of schedule and doing wonderful!
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